League of legends poro teemo. Unsubscribe from teemo vs all. We track the millions of lol games played every day to gather champion stats matchups builds summoner rankings as well as champion stats popularity winrate teams rankings best items and spells. Twisted fate poro iconpng. I will play every game with a teemo doing nothing but having my team 5 man gank him at every possible turn until the game ends.
By riot preeti while wrapping up the howling abyss the entire team was on the lookout for something to balance out the abyss cold serious atmosphere. Vai al sito mobile community gli assassini. Poro platoon silver 1 20lp 8w 6l win ratio 57 jhin 2w 0l win ratio 100 miss fortune 2w 0l win ratio 100 vayne 0w 2l win ratio 0 ashe 1w 0l win ratio 100 caitlyn 1w 0l win ratio 100. Miss fortune arcade and the poro league of legends teemo vs all.
But thanks for the tip and poromaw looks like a big puppy 882911. Teemo poro gold 4 60lp 173w 195l win ratio 47 ezreal 37w 56l win ratio 40 kayle 32w 19l win ratio 63 teemo 25w 20l win ratio 56 vayne 14w 14l win ratio 50 caitlyn 13w 6l win ratio 68. And good luck im happy to see other threads wanting poro skins and i could get behind a poro teemo myself. If i get him in aram i will tell my friends im doing this for the good of everyone and suicide into turrets until enough yordle blood has been spilt that the game just respawns me as a poro.