Mass effect edi. Having been pulled from her duty station on luna commander jane shepard is drafted aboard the ssv normandy sr1 for a mission that was supposed to be an easy covert pick up on the surface of eden prime. Escape after the atlas destruction edi admits to some satisfaction at observing enemy mechs explode. Book ii the spectre chronicles by shepards lore reviews book ii of my overall mass effect novelization. Edi in mass effect 3 minor spoilers can be found in the paragraphs below.
Following the conclusion of the first mass effect shepard and his ship the normandy are dispatched to wipe out any further geth resistance. Edi cutscenes from mass effect 2 to mass effect 3. Party members from the first half of the game. In mass effect 3 edi assumes control of the robotic body of cerberus operative dr.
The mass relays work by creating a mass effect the production of dark energy from a reaction with element zero to slingshot spacecraft to the next relay. Element zero is found to also react with biological entities to give them biotics limited powers that evoke the mass effect on a much smaller scale. Legion notes that edis body has nice tech but bad design for example she is top heavy. Retake the normandy.
First appearing in mass effect 2. Party members from the second half of the game. During mass effect 3. This does not commit you.
Most of the crew escapes the normandy but shepard is killed. Geth dreadnought you can talk to tali about rekindling a relationship. Mass effect trilogy edi all scenes complete. Eva after eva is destroyed on priority.
Because of the potential danger of a rogue ai she has been given behavioral blocks and cannot interface with the ships systems.