Tiger white tigers. However white tigers are not considered as important as orange tigers from the point of conservation. White tigers are white due to their genes or their genetics. Its been said the entire captive white tiger population originated from one single white tiger and has been inbred ever since. Today it is mostly found in captivity.
They like living in forests and grassy areas and their stripes help give them some camouflage. White tigers occur when two bengal tigers that carry a recessive gene controlling coat color are bred together. The white tiger also known as the white bengal tiger is a subspecies of tiger found throughout the indian subcontinent. The white fur caused by a lack of the pigment pheomelanin which is found in bengal tigers with orange color furwhen compared to bengal tigers the white bengal tigers tend to grow faster and heavier than the orange bengal tiger.
Complete set of white tiger facts for kids that will teach kids all about the white tigers. Learn what a white tiger is where it came from its physical features size speed lifespan diet habitat distribution breeding lifecycle behavior population predators history origin and many interesting facts with pictures and videos. Unlike orange tigers which are on the verge of extinction the number of white tigers is increasing. Theyre not albino or their own separate species as many people think.
They can grow to be more than ten feet long. White tigers are bengal tigers.