Underwater fish fishes tropical ocean sea reef 12. The bigeye snapper or bigeye yellow snapper lutjanus lutjanus is a snapper in the family lutjanidae found in the indian ocean and tropical western pacific ocean at depths of up to 96 m. Its color is silver white with a yellow stripe from the eye to base of caudal fin. Coastal fish can be contrasted with oceanic fish or offshore fish which inhabit the deep. Red tide is a common name for algal blooms which are large concentrations of aquatic microorganisms such as protozoans and unicellular algae eg.
Dinoflagellates and diatomsthe upwelling of nutrients from the sea floor often following massive storms provides for the algae and triggers bloom eventsharmful algal blooms can occur worldwide and natural cycles can vary regionally. The fins are yellow. See photos of coral reef fish and sponges.